Friday, May 12, 2006

and this one from past lives in Kampala (2004):

smiles on my face and thoughts of sharing
new places, new found energies and renewed inspiration
red earth, lush green nature, colourful fishing boats on seemingly infinite lake victoria
how can one fly over a lake for 1 hour and only have passed over ca 1/20 of the entire size of it??

african dimensions boggeling the mind once again

cities built on 9 hills, rainbows after morning rain showers, fresh mangos & pineapples melting on the tongue for breakfast, tinny kwasa kwasa music permeating the room and dreams throughout the nite, smiles and well wishes from complete strangers that feel like long lost friends

jokes and laughter everywhere, all the time

a visa for a month instead of the intended stay of two weeks - the joking smiling visa man hopes i fall in love while here and wont want to leave after work is done - he's just making it possible

as long as i have complete strangers tempting fate for me, one day it will all fall into place and i will fall all into love

staring out from the top of one of the nine hills, watching the traffic crawl thru kampala, students of makarere university all dressed up and ready to graduate and embark on the next episodes their lives will bring, i think of my life, my friends - my extended family on and beyond this incredible and monstrously big content, filling me with warmth and wonder and the desire to share.

bringing you all with me in thought and on my shoulder, from Kampala

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