Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Moving into April

I was just taking a shower
absorbed in thought, touching far away places and far away people
moving closer to my day today, which had started with the happiness instilled in me when hearing people excited about their work, enjoying hearing the stories about the elderly farmer couple in Chilanga who have a dairy cow that produces 15 liters of milk a day. I had no idea cows produce that much milk a day.
Enjoying hearing the stories about Elga from Garden Compound, who was 20 and unemployed, and who is now working as an office assistant, slowly being given more responsibilities, now being able to prove what she can do.
A few more individual stories that trace back into some work that i've assisted, when the bigger picture gets murkier and murkier.
Lost in thought, i didn't see the flood.
Lost in thought, i didnt see the cockroach on the shower door.

People have been glued to the televisions, waiting to hear what the fate of their southern neighbour will be. Will Mugaba stay in power? Will Tsvangirai be given a chance? Zimbabweans are still afraid of the Lion, the wounded Lion, according to a BBC reporter.

It's the first time that i am travelling with a yoga mat. A new chapter. I haven't yet used it. I have never owned a yoga mat. I feel I don't know the exercises well enough. I've bought a magazine, a Yoga magazine. I enjoyed reading about the various poses, i enjoyed reading about all 'green diets' including avocados and artichokes. I enjoyed reading about the need to accept your desires before being able to one day realise you have left them behind when you have stopped feeding them. Not because you told or forced yourself to stop, but because you've grown and stopped desiring all those things.

I found myself pulled into the telly, watching Johnny Depp talk about moving to the South of France, he wasn't interested in Who is Doing What, Who is Hot and Who is not. I recognise it, i want to retreat onto a multi-acred rural property in the south of somewhere, I am watching him say it on E-Magazine (Entertainment Magazine for those without Satellite television in your (hotel) rooms). What am i doing?
There is so much work to do, good work, real work, work that will make a difference tomorrow.
There is a yoga mat and a yoga magazine staring at me. The mat is yet unpacked, it's a present, thanks my love, it feels strange to unpack it, go stand on it in a corner of my Chita room, and practice. Not entirely sure why.

I unplug the tv again, i trust i will hear about the results, even if not in Breaking News form. I saw the TV by the bar - Breaking News flashing, I asked Teddy, what? what? are the results out? aaaah no, just someone being interviewed, could be many hours or days yet. Breaking News.

I've got loads of music on my hard drive. My tv is unplugged. I am showered and cockroach free. I'm read up on whats happening in LA and whats happing in Accra. In Melrose Place and beautiful houses in the Hollywood Hills and in little airplanes and confession booths. I feel connected by words and far away in being.

I opt for Anja Lechner's music again - meaningful and melancholic. Beautiful and familiar.
And now I'm going to do that work.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Uncle Travelling Mat... you probably won't get that being dutch and not much of a childhood TV watcher, least not like I was anyway. But if it's any consolation, I'm smirking. And see look, there I go with the ... as well. I'm happy the mat has followed you. Give whoever got you that present some thanks from me. xxoo